

(For Students Only)

DemChamps are India's young champions for the cause of Dementia. By actively involving students, DIA aims to not only raise awareness about dementia but also enhance the quality of care provided and eliminate the stigma surrounding the disease.

DemChamp will enjoy a host of benefits, and receive opportunities for career growth through various means. More details are on the next page.

How You can Become a DemChamp

Sign up on the next page with your details. You will then have access to a learning management system where a set of training materials are available for your benefit. You can go through these materials at your convenience. 

In aiddion, the following requirements are to be met to be eligible for Certification of Completion within a span of 6 months from enrolling for DemChamp Programme.

Complete any 4 of the 6 activities listed below:
1. Make a 60-90 second video on one of the topics specified by DIA, related to Dementia, to educate larger audiences. The most creative and useful videos will be posted on DIA website and DIA social media platforms
2. Raise funds for DIA through the online platform give.go where a fund-raising profile has been created
3. Give a talk on an important aspect of Dementia to your community, family or friends with a minimum of 10 participants. Content for your talk can be sourced from the material DIA will provide
4. Volunteer at an elder-care home, an old age home or a dementia care centre for a total of 10 hours. You can choose which institution you volunteer at: either from the list available on the DIA website or any other institution you are aware of
5. Encourage 5 individual family caregivers to avail of DIA’s services viz. DemClinic or the National Helpline
6. Enroll minimum 3 new students to DemChamps programme from any institution other than your own 

Sign up on the next page with your details. You will then have access to a learning management system where a set of training materials are available for your benefit. You can go through these materials at your convenience.

In aiddion, the following requirements are to be met to be eligible for Certification of Completion within a span of 6 months from enrolling for DemChamp Programme.

Complete any 2 of the 5 optional activities listed below:
1. Make a 60-90 second video on one of the topics specified by DIA, related to Dementia, to educate larger audiences. The most creative and useful videos will be posted on DIA website and DIA social media platforms
2. Raise funds for DIA through the online platform where a fundraising profile has been created
3. Give a talk on an important aspect of Dementia to your community, family or friends with a minimum of 10 participants. Content for your talk can be sourced from the material DIA will provide
4. Volunteer at an elder-care home, an old age home or a dementia care centre for a total of 3 hours. You can choose which institution you volunteer at: either from the list available on the DIA website or any other institution you are aware of
5. Encourage 2 individual family caregivers to avail of DIA’s services viz. Online DemClinic or the National Helpline 

Interested in becoming a DemChamp?